IIT Research Institute Life Sciences Research Building

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
Friedman Alschuler and Sincere, associated architects; Robert E. Hattis, consulting engineer; Schmidt, Garden & Erickson, architects, 1961 addition; George Sollitt Construction, general contractors, 1961 addition
1951-1952 (addition 1961, renovated 2005)
35 West 34th Street

Nine bays were added to the north end of the building in 1961.

Formerly/Also Known As: Armour Research Foundation Mechanical Engineering Research Building I (1952-1963), IIT Research Institute Mechanical Engineering Research Building I (1963-1970s), Mechanical Research Building, Life Sciences Research Building, IITRI Center

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See sources
Collapse sources
IITRI Life Sciences Research Building: Illinois Institute of Technology, "Main Campus Buildings," accessed April 2, 2015, http://web.iit.edu/about/main-campus-buildings.
Life Sciences Research Building: Rolf Achilles, Guide to the Campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago: Mies Centennial Project, 1986), 12.
ARF Mechanical Engineering Research Building I: Illinois Institute of Technology, Your Guide to Technology Center (Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology, 1957).
IITRI Mechanical Engineering Research Building: Illinois Institute of Technology, IIT Bulletin 1964-65 (1964), ii.
IITRI Center: Henry, Kevin, "University Technology Park, for the Research of the Future, Today," Tech News, September 14, 2005, 10.

Architect, etc.:
Achilles, Guide to the Campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology, 12.

Achilles, Guide to the Campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology, 12.

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