Armour Research Foundation Administration Building

1924/1929 (demolished 1965)
10 West 35th Street

The buildings that eventually became the ARF Administration Building were constructed as the Binga State Bank (1924) and Binga Arcade Building (1929) by African-American entrepreneur Jesse Binga. The buildings were purchased by IIT in 1952, and ARF took up residence in 1954.

Formerly/Also Known As: Binga State Bank (1924-1930), Arcade Building (1929-1953)

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Administration Building: Illinois Institute of Technology, IIT Graduate Catalog 1958-60 (1958), 2.
Binga State Bank: James O’Donnell Bennett, "Plans, Work, Binga’s Secret for Success," Chicago Tribune, May 8, 1927, 1.
The Arcade Building: Carl R Osthaus, "The Rise and Fall of Jesse Binga, Black Financier," The Journal of Negro History, January, 1973, 45.

Bennett, "Plans, Work, Binga’s Secret for Success," 20.
"Current Construction Forms Excellent Springboard Toward Campaign Plans," Technology News, May 26, 1965, 5.
Debra Kerr Fassnacht, IITRI: A Fifty Year Portrait (Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute, 1986), 37.
"IIT Acquires Building at 35th and State," Technology News, October 3, 1952, 5.
Illinois Institute of Technology, Office of the President, Annual Report of the President, 1963-64 (Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology, 1964), 52.

Osthaus, "The Rise and Fall of Jesse Binga, Black Financier," 45.

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