Phi Kappa Sigma House

1800s (demolished ca. 1959)
3236 South Michigan Avenue

In the late 19th century, this mansion was the home of John P. Hopkins, the 29th mayor of Chicago. It also housed the Security Casualty Company. Phi Kappa Sigma moved into the house in 1929, and purchased it in 1940. The fraternity lived in the house until 1959, interrupted only by the Naval V-12 program from 1943-46.

Formerly/Also Known As: John P. Hopkins Mansion (late 18th century), Security Casualty Company (early 20th century), Quarters 3 (1943-46)

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See sources
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"Old Phi Kap House to be Razed," The Technometer , March, 1959, 6.
John. P. Hopkins Residence: Phi Kappa Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Chapter, A Brief History of 3236 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, Unpublished notes, 1998.
Security Casualty Company: Phi Kappa Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Chapter, A Brief History of 3236 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.
Quarters 3: Illinois Institute of Technology, Technology Center Directory of Personnel (Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology, December, 1945), 3.

"Old Phi Kap House to be Razed," 6.
Phi Kappa Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Chapter, A Brief History of 3236 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.

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